Benedetta Giulia Franzelli
CNRS researcher - Chargée de recherche
Medaille de bronze CNRS 2018
My research at a glance
- Characterization and modeling of nanoparticles production in flames' from "40 Under 40: E- Lecture Series on Combustion” of the Belgian Section of Combustion Institute (2023):
- CNRS mini-series “Inventions, the saga continues”: (2020)
- Video 'Bal enflammé (Fire dancing)', finalist for “best image from CNRS scientific research” Award (2019):
- Video-portrait for CNRS Bronze medal (2018)
Previous positions and education
- Postdoctoral Fellow (2013-2014): Understanding and modeling of complex chemical-related phenomena in turbulent multi-phase reactive flows: spray and sooting flames, at Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford University, USA. Collaborator: Pr. M. Ihme.
- Postdoctoral Researcher (2011-2013): Modeling and numerical simulation of two-phase turbulent flames, at EM2C-CNRS and Ecole Centrale Paris, Chatenay-Malabry, France. Collaborators: Pr. B. Fiorina, Pr. N. Darabiha .
- Three-month visiting Ph.D. student (2010): Development of a reduced chemical description for methane/air premixed combustion, at Imperial College London, London, Great Britain. Advisor: Pr. W. Jones.
- Ph.D. in Energy and Transfer (2008-2011): Impact of the chemical description on Direct Numerical Simulations and Large Eddy Simulations of turbulent combustion in industrial aero-engines; at CERFACS and Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, Toulouse, France. Advisors: Dr. B. Cuenot, Dr. E. Riber.
- Master in numerical computation for Fluid Dynamics (2005-2007) at Universita` Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI), Milan, Italy. Advisors: Pr. A. Frezzotti, Dr. L. Gibelli.
- Mathematics Engineering (2003-2005) at Universita` Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI), Milan, Italy. Advisor: Pr. A. Veneziani.
Commission of Trust over the last four years
2025, 2023: Member of the Scientific Commitee of the ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements (ETMM-14, ETMM-15).
2024: Chair of the committee for 2024 Bernard Lewis Fellowship of the Combustion Institute.
2023-2028: Member of the editorial board of Combustion and Flame.
Since 2024: Member of the Scientific Commitee of the International Workshop on laser-induced incandescence.
2023: Member of the Initial Review Commitee for the 40th Symposium of Combustion.
2023: Committee member for 2 PhD Fellowships of the French Section of Combustion Institute.
2023-2026: Member of the Women in Combustion Advisory Committee of the Combustion Institute.
2023-2027: Coordinator of ’Young Researcher and Gender Balance’ committee for European Cost action Cyber.
Since 2022: European/international correspondent at CNRS for EM2C laboratory.
2023-2024: Member of the Scientific Organizing Committee of the “3rd Low-Carbon Combustion Meeting” for the Joint French and British Sections of Combustion Institute, Nantes (2024).
2023: Co-organizer of the “Modeling and Simulation of Particle Formation in Turbulent Flows” workshop at 11th European Combustion Meeting ECM23, Rouen.
2024, 2022 : Co-organizer of the poster session at 6th and 7th International Sooting Flame (ISF) workshop.
2022: Committee member of 2022 Bernard Lewis Fellowship of the Combustion Institute.
Since 2019: Reviewer for Women Energy in Transition fellowship (Dalkia).
Since 2019: Co-Leader of the ’Turbulent Flames’ program of ISF workshop.
Since 2013: Referee for rang A journals (Proceedings of the Combustion Institute; Combustion and Flame; Combustion Theory and Modeling; Fuel; Flow, Turbulence and Combustion) and international conferences (Symposium of Combustion; ASME Turbo Exposition).
Invited presentations over the last three years
- Plenary keynote presentation, Nanoparticle Flame Synthesis: when combustion is a catalyst for sustainability, 12th European Combustion Meeting, Edinburgh (2025).
- Invited presentation, Numerical challenges for the prediction of nanoparticle production in flames, 26th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM), Daegu (2024).
- Plenary keynote presentation, Igniting 'green' aerosol technology: how combustion knowledge can optimize metal-oxide flame synthesis, National two-day meeting of the Belgian Section of Combustion Institute, Belgium (2024)
- Invited seminar, Towards digital twins of flame spray pyrolysis systems, Human-centered Sensor Laboratory (ETH Zurich), Switzerland (2024).
- Plenary keynote presentation, Characterization and modeling of soot production in turbulent flames, 14th ERCOFTAC Symposium on Turbulence Modeling and Measurements (ETMM), Barcelona (2023).
- Invited webinar, Characterization and modeling of nanoparticles production in flames, ”40 Under 40: E- Lecture Series on Combustion” of the Belgian Section of Combustion Institute (2023).
- Invited lecture at summer school SPP1980 for the nanoparticles spray flame synthesis, Numerical and experimental characterization of TiO2 flame synthesis, RWTH Aachen University (2022).
- Invited presentation, Examining soot formation in metal-oxide nanoparticles flame synthesis, 6th ISF workshop, Vancouver (2022).

Participation to research networks
GDR suies: National interdisciplinary network composed by 40 french laboratories working on soot (
ISF workshop: International Sooting Flame workshop promoting international collaborations between experimentalists and modellers working on soot from around 20 international research teams (
LII workshop: Laser Induced Incandescence workshop stimulates discussion between experts on the field, and encourage newcomers to interact with those carrying long expertise both experimentally and theoretically (
PsiNano Nanoscience Institute of Université ParisSaclay: Network of international visibility for research, training, innovation and technology transfer in the field of nanosciences and nanotechnologies (
Fellowships and honors received
- Jean-Marie Souriau Fellowship of the French National Committee on Mechanics and of the French Association of Mechanic to support the participation to international conferences (2024).
- Medaille de Bronze CNRS (2018).
- ERC Starting Grant 2017: SOTUF project (2018-2023).
- Travel grant of the French National Committee on Mechanics and of the French Association of Mechanic to support the participation of young researchers to international conferences (2016).
- Bernard Lewis Fellowship of the Combustion Institute (2014).
- Center for Turbulence Research (Stanford University) Postdoctoral Fellowship (2013-2014).
- International Conference of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM) support grant (2012).
- Prix Aerospace Valley for the applied aeronautical thesis (2012).
- Prix L. Escande for the best thesis of the INPT (2012).
- Zonta International Amelia Earhart Fellowship 2010 for young female talented researchers.
- Zonta International Amelia Earhart Fellowship 2009 for young female talented researchers.
- Marie Curie Early Stage Research Training Fellowship of the European Community (2008-2010).

Publications in international journals (click here to download papers)
- B. Franzelli, J. Bonnety, J. Yi, Y. Ogata, A. Cuoci, C. Betrancourt. Numerical simulations of TiO2 production in a laminar coflow H2/Ar/TTIP diffusion flame: comparison with experiments and parametric sensitivity study, Proc. Combust. Ins. (2025), vol 40.
- A. Maffina, M. Roussillo, P. Scouflaire, N. Darabiha, D. Veynante, S. Candel, B. Franzelli. Role of the Equivalence Ratio on Soot Formation in a Perfectly Premixed Turbulent Swirled Flame: A Combined Experimental and Large Eddy Simulations Study, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power (2023), vol 146.
- J. Yi, C. Betrancourt, N. Darabiha, B. Franzelli. Estimation of spectral absorption function range via LII measurements of flame-synthesized TiO2 nanoparticles, Appl. Phys B (2023), vol 129.
- J. Yi, C. Betrancourt, N. Darabiha, B. Franzelli. Initial interpretation of Laser-induced Incandescence (LII) signals from flame-generated TiO2 particles: Towards a quantitative characterization of the flame synthesis processes, Applications in Energy and Combustion Science (2023), vol 15.
- G. Guy, C. Betrancourt, B. Franzelli. Estimation of soot absorption function via the two separated pulses laser-induced incandescence technique ,Applied Physics B (2023), vol 129.
- J. Yi, C. Betrancourt, N. Darabiha, B. Franzelli. Characterization of laser-induced emission of high-purity TiO2 nanoparticles: feasibility of laser-induced incandescence, Appl. Phys B (2023), vol 129.
- B. Franzelli, L. Tardelli, M. Stöhr, K.P. Geigle, P Domingo. Assessment of LES of intermittent soot production in an aero-engine model combustor using high-speed measurements, Proc. Combust. Ins. (2023), vol 39.
- J.-M. Orlac’h, N. Darabiha, S. Candel, D. Veynante, B. Franzelli. Accounting for hydrolysis in the modeling of titanium dioxide nanoparticle synthesis in laminar TiCl4-seeded flames, Comb. Flame (2022), vol. 247.
- B. Franzelli, P. Scouflaire, N. Darabiha. Using in situ measurements to experimentally characterize TiO2 nanoparticle synthesis in a turbulent isopropyl alcohol flame, Materials (2021), vol. 14, 7083.
- J.-M. Orlac'h, N. Darabiha, V. Giovangigli, B. Franzelli. Importance of mass and enthalpy conservation in the modeling of titania nanoparticles flame synthesis, Combust. Theory and Modelling (2021), vol. 25, pp. 389-412.
- A. Bodor, A. Cuoci, T. Faravelli, B. Franzelli. A forward approach for the validation of soot sizing models using laser-induced incandescence (LII), Applied Physics B: Laser and Optics (2020), vol. 126(3), pp. 49.
- A. Bodor, B. Franzelli, T. Faravelli, A. Cuoci. A post processing technique to predict primary particle size of sooting flames based on a chemical discrete sectional model: Application to diluted coflow flames, Combust. Flame (2019), vol. 208, pp. 122 – 138.
- P. Rodrigues, O. Gicquel, B. Franzelli, N. Darabiha, R. Vicquelin. Analysis of radiative transfer in a turbulent sooting jet flame using a Monte Carlo method coupled to large eddy simulation, J. Quant. Spec. Rad. Transf. (2019), vol. 235, pp. 187 – 203.
- B. Franzelli, M. Roussillo, P. Scouflaire, J. Bonnety, R. Jalain, T. Dormieux, S. Candel, G. Legros, Multi-diagnostic soot measurements in a laminar diffusion flame to assess the ISF database consistency, Proc. Combust. Ins. (2019), vol. 37 (4), 5411-5419.
- B. Franzelli, A. Vié, N. Darabiha, A three-equation model for the prediction of soot emissions in LES of gas turbines, Proc. Combust. Ins. (2019), vol. 37 (2), 1344-1363.
- M. Roussillo, P. Scouflaire, S. Candel, B. Franzelli, Experimental investigation of soot production in a confined swirled flame operating under perfectly premixed rich conditions, Proc. Combust. Ins. (2019), vol. 37(1), pp. 893-901.
- P. Rodrigues, B. Franzelli, R. Vicquelin, O. Gicquel, N. Darabiha. Coupling an LES approach and a soot sectional model for the study of sooting turbulent non-premixed flames. Combust. Flame (2018), vol. 190, pp. 477 – 499.
- B. Franzelli, A. Cuoci, A. Stagni, M. Ihme, T. Faravelli, S. Candel. Numerical investigation of soot-flame-vortex interaction. Proc. Combust. Ins. (2017), vol. 36, pp. 753 – 761.
- P. Rodrigues, B. Franzelli, R. Vicquelin, O. Gicquel, N. Darabiha. Unsteady dynamics of PAH and soot particles in laminar counterflow diffusion flames. Proc. Combust. Ins. (2017), vol. 36, pp. 927 – 934.
- B. Franzelli, A. Vié, M. Boileau, B. Fiorina, N. Darabiha, Large Eddy Simulation of swirled spray flame using detailed and tabulated chemical descriptions. Flow, Turb. Combust. (2017), vol. 98, pp. 633 – 661.
- B. Franzelli, A. Vié, and M. Ihme. Characterizing spray flame-vortex interaction : A spray spectral diagram for extinction. Combust. Flame (2016), vol. 163, pp. 100 – 114.
- B. Franzelli, A. Vié, and M. Ihme. On the generalisation of the mixture fraction to a monotic mixing- describing variable for the flamelet formulation of spray flames. Combust. Theory and Modelling (2015), vol. 19(6), pp. 773 – 806.
- B. Franzelli, P. Scouflaire, S. Candel, Time-resolved spatial patterns and interactions of soot, PAH and OH in a turbulent diffusion flame, Proc. Combust. Ins. (2015), vol. 35(2), pp. 1921-1929.
- A.Vié, B. Franzelli, Y. Gao, T. Lu, H. Wang, M. Ihme, Analysis of segregation and bifurcation in turbulent spray flames: a 3D turbulent counterflow configuration, Proc. Combust. Ins. (2015), vol. 35(2), pp. 1675-1683.
- B. Franzelli, E. Riber, B. Cuenot, Impact of the chemical description on a LES of a lean partially premixed swirled flame, Compte Rendus Mécanique (2013), vol. 341, pp. 247-256.
- B. Franzelli, B. Fiorina, N. Darabiha, A tabulated chemistry method for spray combustion, Proc. Combust. Ins. (2013), vol. 34, pp. 1659-1666.
- B. Franzelli, E. Riber, L. Gicquel and T. Poinsot, Large-Eddy Simulation of combustion instabilities in a lean partially premixed swirled flame, Combust. Flame (2012), vol. 159, pp. 621-637.
- B. Franzelli, E. Riber, M. Sanjosé and T. Poinsot, A two-step chemical scheme for Large Eddy Simulation of kerosene-air flames, Combust. Flame (2010), vol.157, pp. 1364-1373.
- A. Frezzotti, L. Gibelli and B. Franzelli, A moment method for low speed microflows, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics (2009), vol.21, pp. 495-509.

Peer-reviewed conferences
- B. Franzelli, J. Bonnety, J. Yi, Y. Ogata, A. Cuoci, C. Betrancourt. Numerical simulations of TiO2 production in a laminar coflow H2/Ar/TTIP diffusion flame: comparison with experiments and parametric sensitivity study, 40th International Symposium on Combustion, Milano, Italy (2024).
- A Maffina, M Roussillo, P Scouflaire, N Darabiha, D Veynante, S Candel, B. Franzelli. Role of the Equivalence Ratio on Soot Formation in a Perfectly Premixed Turbulent Swirled Flame: A Combined Experimental and Large Eddy Simulations Study, ASME Turbo Expo paper GT2023-104174, Boston, USA (2023).
- B. Franzelli, L. Tardelli, M. Stöhr, K.P. Geigle, P Domingo. Assessment of LES of intermittent soot production in an aero-engine model combustor using high-speed measurements, 39th International Symposium on Combustion, Vancouver, Canada (2022).
- L. Pereira Tardelli, N. Darabiha, D. Veynante, B. Franzelli, Validating soot models in LES of turbulent flames: the contribution of soot subgrid intermittency model to the prediction of soot production in an aero-engine model combustor, ASME Turbo Expo paper GT2021-60296, Virtual meeting (2021).
- L. Pereira Tardelli, B. Franzelli, P. Rodrigues, N. Darabiha, Impact of the reaction mechanism model on soot growth and oxidation in laminar and turbulent flames, ASME Turbo Expo paper GT2019-90873, Phoenix, USA (2019).
- B. Franzelli, M. Roussillo, P. Scouflaire, J. Bonnety, R. Jalain, T. Dormieux, S. Candel, G. Legros, Multi-diagnostic soot measurements in a laminar diffusion flame to assess the ISF database consistency, 37th International Symposium on Combustion, Dublin, Ireland (2018).
- M. Roussillo, P. Scouflaire, S. Candel, B. Franzelli, Experimental investigation of soot production in a confined swirled flame operating under perfectly premixed rich conditions, 37th International Symposium on Combustion, Dublin, Ireland (2018).
- B. Franzelli, A. Vié, N. Darabiha, A three-equation model for the prediction of soot emissions in LES of gas turbines, 37th International Symposium on Combustion, Dublin, Ireland (2018).
- M. Roussillo, P. Scouflaire, N. Darabiha, S. Candel, B. Franzelli, A new experimental database for the investigation of soot in a model scale swirled combustor under perfectly premixed conditions, ASME Turbo Expo paper GT2018-76205, Oslo, Norway (2018).
- B. Franzelli, A. Cuoci, A. Stagni, M. Ihme, T. Faravelli, and S. Candel, Numerical investigation of soot-flame-vortex interaction, 36th International Symposium on Combustion, Seoul, Korea (2016).
- P. Rodrigues, B. Franzelli, R. Vicquelin, O. Gicquel, and N. Darabiha, Unsteady dynamics of PAH and soot particles in laminar counteflow diffusion flames, 35th International Symposium on Combustion, Seoul, Korea (2016).
- B. Franzelli, E. Riber, B. Cuenot, Numerical modeling of soot production in aero-engine combustors using large eddy simulations, ASME Turbo Expo paper GT2015-43630, Montreal, Canada (2015).
- B. Franzelli, A. Vié, M. Ihme, Characterizing the regimes of spray flame-vortex interactions: a spray spectral diagram for extinction, Proceedings of the 26th ILASS conference, Bremen, Germany (2014).
- B. Franzelli, P. Scouflaire, S. Candel, Time-resolved spatial patterns and interactions of soot, PAH and OH in a turbulent diffusion flame, 35th International Symposium on Combustion, San Francisco, USA (2014).
- A.Vié, B. Franzelli, Y. Gao, T. Lu, H. Wang, M. Ihme, Impact of the turbulence on the spray flame structure : a 3D turbulent counterflow configuration, 35th International Symposium on Combustion, San Francisco, USA (2014).
- B. Franzelli, A. Vié, B. Fiorina, N. Darabiha, Large Eddy Simulation of swirling kerosene/air spray flame using tabulated chemistry, ASME Turbo Expo paper GT2013-94451, San Antonio, Texas (2013).
- B. Franzelli, B. Fiorina, N. Darabiha, Modeling the chemical structure of spray flames using tabulated chemistry method, Proceedings of the 12th ICLASS conference, Heildeberg, Germany (2012).
- B. Franzelli, B. Fiorina, N. Darabiha, A tabulated chemistry method for spray combustion, 34th International Symposium on Combustion, Warsaw, Poland (2012).
- B. Franzelli, B. Fiorina, N. Darabiha, A multi-regime flamelet method for premixed and non-premixed combustion in spray flames, ICTAM conference paper FM03-014, Beijing, China (2012).
- B. Franzelli, E. Riber, B. Cuenot, Impact of the chemical description on a LES of a lean partially premixed swirled flame, Proceedings of the 3rd INCA colloquium, Toulouse, France (2011).
- A. Frezzotti, L. Gibelli and B. Franzelli, A moment method for low speed microflows, 1st European Conference on Microfluidics, Bologna, Italy (2008).

Book chapter
- B. Fiorina, A. Vié, B. Franzelli, N. Darabiha, M. Massot, G. Dayma, P. Dagaut, V. Moureau, L. Vervisch, A. Berlement, V. Sablinikov, E. Riber, B. Cuenot, Modeling challenges in computing aeronautical combustion chambers, AerospaceLab, vol 11 (2016).
- B. Franzelli, A. Cuoci, A. Stagni, C. Saggese, A. Frassoldati, T. Faravelli, M. Ihme, Accounting for strain-rate effect in soot modeling of turbulent flames, Annual Research Briefs, Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford (2014).
- B. Franzelli, A. Vié, M. Ihme, A spray-flamelet formulation using an effective composition-space variable, Annual Research Briefs, Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford (2014).
- B. Franzelli, A. Vié, M. Ihme, Characterizing the regimes of spray flame-vortex interactions: A spray spectral diagram for extinction, Annual Research Briefs, Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford (2014).
- B. Cuenot, E. Riber, B. Franzelli, Towards the prediction of soot in aero-engine combustors with large eddy simulation, Annual Research Briefs, Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford (2014).
- A. Vié, B. Franzelli, M. Ihme, B. Fiorina, N. Darabiha, On the description of spray flame structure in a mixture fraction space, Annual Research Briefs, Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford (2013).